How to create a Signup Flow for your publication

Each beehiiv publication has a customizable Signup Flow that guides readers through a series of redirects (pages) after they click subscribe.

When creating your Signup Flow of the pages your subscribers will go through, you’ll have multiple redirection options, including ending on a custom URL linking to the webpage of your choice. First, we'll discuss your Signup Flow options, followed by how to set up a Signup Flow in your account.

Signup Flow page options 

Recommendations Page: Show off your favorite newsletters by recommending them to your readers as they sign up for yours. If you're using Boosts, these will appear at the top of your Recommendations page.

Subscribe Survey: Add surveys to your Signup Flow to gather valuable insights about your subscribers, like zero party data, or data that your subscribers intentionally share with you. 

Upgrade Page: For publications offering paid subscription memberships, you can redirect your audience directly to your Upgrade Page highlighting your paid upsell offerings. 

Multi Pubs: For accounts with multiple publications, you can give new subscribers the ability to opt-in to all of your publications at one time. 

Home Page: This is the final page of your Signup Flow. Named as such because most choose to end their Signup Flow on the Home Page of their publication site, but you can also redirect new subscribers to a URL of your choosing. For example, you can use a Custom Page feature (available on paid plans) and create a Thank you page for your subscribers to see. Then you would change the Home Page URL to be the Custom Page URL for this step.

Watch and Learn: How to set up a Signup Flow in beehiiv

Disclaimer: The beehiiv platform has evolved since the filming of this video, so parts of the user interface featured in the video will be slightly different than what you see in your account. In particular, when accessing the Website Builder from your Dashboard, you would need to click on Design > Website Builder as outlined in the steps below.


How to set up a Signup Flow for your publication 

  1. From the left panel Dashboard, go to Design > Website Builder.

  2. The Website Builder will open on the Styles tab. Click on the Settings tab instead and then select Signup Flow from the left panel.

  3. To set an avatar for your Signup Flow, click the beehiiv icon and select a file to upload. Your avatar will save automatically. To change it, simply click the image and upload a new one.

  4. To add a Success Message at the top of your Signup Flow, click the pencil icon to open the input box. Enter a personalized message, such as 'Thank you for subscribing'. Click Done to save your message.

    Tech Note: You can create a custom success message for each step in your Signup Flow to guide your readers. Simply click on Message next to each option to customize the success message for each page.
  1. If you’re using Boosts, you have the option to select how your Boosts offers will appear on the Recommendations page.
    By default, beehiiv will randomly select 5 offers to show to new subscribers. Alternatively, you can choose to display the Highest Earning Per Acquisition. Your choice will save automatically.

  2. Toggle on each of the Signup Flow options to add them to your flow. If you haven’t set up a specific page, you’ll get a message prompting you to do so upon toggling that option. Your choices will save automatically.

    Tech Note: New signups on your publication's subscribe page will be redirected through the highlighted steps in the order they are displayed in the Signup Flow section. 
  1. To see how each page is displayed, click View URL beneath each option.

  2. By default, your subscriber journey will finish on your Home Page. Click on Customize to send your subscribers to any of your site pages or an external website of your choosing.
    If you choose to add an external link, a new tab will open while sending your subscribers to your website in the background.

  3. When adding your custom redirect link, make sure to add the full URL, including the https:// to avoid an error. Click Add Redirect to save your selection.

  4. A ‘Saved!’ message will appear at the top of your screen, indicating that your URL has been saved.
    To edit your URL, click the Edit link that appears beneath it, which will guide you through the same process.

  5. If you wish to remove the custom redirect link you added, simply untoggle the switch next to your URL and click Remove. This action will delete your custom URL from your Signup Flow and automatically revert it to your Home Page.

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