Changing the name, email username, or web URL of your publications
When you set up your beehiiv account and name your publication, a beehiiv subdomain is automatically created for your newsletters to live online. This subdomain will appear as, where your-publication reflects the name of your newsletter.
Additionally, an email username is generated for sending newsletters. It will look like, with your-publication matching the newsletter name.
If you’d like, you can update the your-publication portion of the URL or email username—or even change your newsletter's name entirely. This article will guide you through all three changes.
These instructions apply only to users using a beehiiv subdomain. If you’re using a custom domain and want to update your beehiiv URL, check out our guide on custom domains.
Quick tips to get you started
Email username and web URL changes are synced: Updating your email username or web URL automatically updates the other to match.
Web URL changes affect all existing posts and past URLs: When you modify your web URL, all previously published posts are updated to the new URL. This means old links, including backlinks, will no longer work.
Format with hyphens for spaces: You must use hyphens in your email username and web URL where you would typically use spaces. For example, instead of ‘your publication’, format it as ‘your-publication’. Alternatively, you can remove spaces altogether, such as ‘yourpublication’.
Avoid spaces to prevent errors: Using spaces in your email username or web URL will trigger an error, preventing the change. Be sure to replace spaces with hyphens or remove them entirely.
- Your email username is different from your publication’s reply-to address: Your publication’s reply-to address is the email address where any replies from your subscriber will be directed. Your email username does not need to match your reply-to address, which is set as your account email by default unless you change it.
How to change your beehiiv publication email username or web URL
- From the left hand panel Dashboard, scroll down and select Settings.
- Your publication settings will open. Click Domains from the left panel.
- Under beehiiv Subdomains, you’ll find options to update your email username or web URL. By default, both are set to ‘your-publication’, with the ‘your-publication’ portion reflecting the name of your newsletter.
To change your email username, click Edit.
- Enter your new email username, ensuring you use hyphens between words or remove all spaces. Keep in mind that updating your email username will also update your web URL, affecting links to existing posts and backlinks.
Click Confirm to save your selection or Cancel to return to domain settings.
- To change your web URL, click Edit. Keep in mind that this will also update your email username and modify links to existing posts and backlinks.
- Click Confirm to save your selection or Cancel to return to domain settings.
If you would like to add a custom domain instead, click the , then select Configure Custom Domain. You’ll be taken to the custom domain setup, read more about using custom domains here.
How to change the name of your publication/newsletter
- From the left hand panel Dashboard, scroll down and select Settings.
- Your publication settings will open on the General Info tab.
- Under Publication Name, enter your desired name. Your changes will save automatically.
- You’ll receive a quick Success message at the top of your screen. Congrats! 🎉