Understanding your Subscribers Report
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Part of beehiiv’s robust 3D analytics, the beehiiv Subscribers Report gives you an in-depth look at your subscriber growth, with acquisition sources, email opens, click-through rates and other insights at your fingertips. You can make confident, data-driven decisions with the information you need to evaluate, plan, and implement your newsletter growth strategy.
We’ll walk you through each tab of the Subscribers Report with an explanation of each section and what to expect. Simply click on each tab to reveal the content below.
Remember, your acquisition strategy and subscriber growth is unique to your newsletter. Your 3D analytics and Subscribers Report may look different than what is presented in this article, based on how you acquire your subscribers, how engaged your subscribers are, and other factors.
To access your Subscribers Report, navigate to the left panel dashboard in your account, then click Analyze > Subscribers Report.
At any time, you can export each tab of the report by clicking Export tab to PDF. To download the results of an individual table or graph, simply hover over what you wish to download, click the 3 dots menu > Download Results.
The Overview tab gives you a full breakdown of your subscriber growth on a comprehensive dashboard, showing subscriptions created in the prior 90 days as default. Click the Subscription Created At box to change the date range.
The ‘Subscription Created At’ data reflects the date a user originally subscribed to your publication. If a user signs up on January 1, unsubscribes, and then resubscribes on January 30, their ‘Created At’ date will still be recorded as January 1
You can also adjust the Channel/Source/Medium and UTM Campaign to further refine the data to meet your needs.
Beneath your data parameter options, you’ll see your first chart, showing your Active, Inactive, and Pending subscribers (if you have double opt in enabled).To the right of your New Subscribers chart, you’ll see a breakdown of New Subscribers by Acquisition Source. Each source is listed by type (such as website, recommendation, and so on).
Under your new subscribers info, you’ll see your Subscriber Acquisitions by Day chart. Each acquisition source is listed by type (website, recommendation, boost, and so on) and is color-coded to help you visualize where your subscribers are coming from.
Beneath your Subscriber Acquisitions by Day chart, you’ll find key performance indicators (KPIs) that provide context on how engaged your new subscribers are. These include:
- Posts Sent: The number of posts published during the specified time period.
- Emails Delivered: The number of emails delivered during the specified time period.
- Unique Opens: The number of unique opens — each counted once per subscriber — from your new subscribers.
Verified Unique Clicks: The number of verified unique clicks (individual clicks confirmed as valid) from your new subscribers.
The numbers shown here may differ from those elsewhere in your analytics, as they only reflect data for new subscribers within the specified time frame. If you need clarification on what a metric tracks, click the info icon next to the number.
Moving down the page, you’ll find a New Subscriber Engagement Funnel, where your account metrics are presented as a funnel to visualize the engagement of your new subscribers. In this graph you’ll see these metrics reflected:
- Delivered Count: Visually presents the data from Emails Delivered.
- Opened: Visually presents the data from Unique Opens.
Verified Unique Clicks: Visually presents the data from Verified Unique Clicks.
The Performance tab goes into more detail about your new subscribers and their engagement, giving you powerful insight into your acquisition strategy.
Like the Overview tab, the Performance tab is also set to the previous 90 days by default. You can adjust this timeframe by clicking on the Subscription Created At button, and further refine your results by adjusting the Channel/Source/Medium or UTM Campaign.First, you’ll see your new subscriber Open Rate presented as a percentage, broken down by your acquisition sources and the country of origin of your subscribers.
Next, you’ll be presented with your Verified Click-Through Rate, also as a percentage, and compared to your acquisition sources and the countries your subscribers are from, allowing you to really hone in on your most engaged subscribers.Moving down, you’ll find your Unsubscribe Rate next. This is also presented as a percentage, organized by acquisition sources, and further refined by country, helping you to visualize the acquisition sources that are leading to subscribers who don’t wish to engage with your newsletter.
Next, if you have paid subscriptions enabled, you’ll see a breakdown of your Paid Subscription Upgrade Rate from your new subscribers, presented as a percentage, by acquisition sources, and by country of origin.
Finally, you’ll see your Referral Rate, displayed as a percentage, along with a breakdown by acquisition source, listing the number of referrals attributed to each source.
The Performance by Source Table gives you even more information about each of your acquisition sources, presented in an easy-to-read table. Each acquisition source is labeled by type, such as website, boost, referral, or embed. Click the arrow next to any metric to re-sort the list by that metric.
By default, the table is set to new subscribers within the previous 90 days, but you can adjust this by clicking the Subscription Created At button and further refine by adjusting the Channel/Source/Medium and UTM Campaign.Each acquisition source is broken down into:
- Number of subscribers
- Number of pending subscribers
- Number of engaged subscribers
- Percentage of engaged subscribers
- Open rate
- Verified click-through rate
- Unsubscribe rate
- Paid subscription upgrade rate
- Referral rate
- Referrals per subscriber
You may need to scroll to the right to see the referral rate and the referrals per subscriber displayed in your table.
The Cohort Analysis tab displays a chart that measures the percentage in a given cohort that were active in a given month, for the past 16 months. ‘Active’ is defined as performing at least a single open or click while not unsubscribing during the course of the month, with the earliest date displayed at the top.
You can further refine the Cohort Analysis chart by clicking the Channel/Source/Medium button and selecting your preferred parameters.
The CTR Cohort Analysis tab takes the cohort analysis even further by comparing new subscribers in the previous 90 days to their click-through rate for the first 30 days of their subscription.
You can further refine the CTR Cohort Analysis by adjusting the Subscription Created At button to a different time frame, selecting the Channel/Source/Medium, or adjusting the number of days by clicking the First X Days button.
First, you’ll be presented with your click-through rate compared to your subscribers, tracked by their subscription join week.
Next, you’ll see your acquisition sources displayed in a table, and organized by number of clicks (with the top performing acquisition source at the top of your list). You’ll be able to compare the click-through rate to the number of opens and number of clicks total during the time frame, with each acquisition source labeled by its type (website, boost, recommendation, and so on).
Click the arrows next to any metric to re-sort the list in your table. For example, clicking the arrow next to Opens will re-sort your list by number of opens.
Finally, you’ll see CTR by Acquisition Source arranged as a table. Use the arrows next to any metric to re-sort the list in your table.